By Grand Master Tony Vohra 8th Dan. Photographs by Master Jeff Scott-Smith 5th Dan.
Last year I was fortunate enough to be selected to referee at the 3rd WTF World Taekwondo Poomse Championships from the in Ankara, Turkey. This type of event on a World stage reinforces the importance of Poomse in martial arts training.
Poomse are fixed patterns of movements and techniques that display attack and defense scenarios with balance, power, accuracy and composure.
In reference to the articles of the past 4 months, we have covered the fundamentals of the ready position; basic blocking and stances which help build an excellent foundation for perfecting techniques. These fundamentals in conjunction with Poomse, promote an understanding of how to progress from one technique to the next with dynamic form and precision as if in a real fighting scenario. The philosophy and meaning that is associated with the Taekwondo forms is extensive and should be researched in depth to achieve a greater understanding of Poomse.
The focus of my articles over the coming months however, will deal with the deliverance of techniques, consecutive movements and timing.
* Remember it is crucial that you start & finish on the same spot.
* The end of one position becomes the start of the next.
* Move smoothly from one position to the next.
* Hold each technique firmly but don’t maintain the position too long
* In Poomse, sideways movements use a walking stance and forward & backward movements are in long stance.
* There are 20 movements in total in this form but snap/front kick, balance and moving into a walking stance performing a mid punch, are classed as one consecutive motion - giving a count of 18 moves.
* From command Sijak to end of form should take between 18 - 20 seconds.
* One Kihap only at the end of the form.
* Standing at Charyeot and moving to Chumbi at the beginning and Baro at the end of the form, are each done with breathing (inhale and exhale) - taking 5 - 6 seconds.
* Look in the direction of movement.
* Relax whilst moving but tense abdomen/midriff on completion.
Master Tony Vohra is always pleased to advise individual students, instructors and clubs and can arrange demonstrations, courses & seminars to suit any individual or groups both at home and abroad.
For further details please contact: President Grandmaster S. S. Vohra (8th Dan), International School of Martial Arts UK HQ, Nottingham School of Tae Kwon Do, Ilkeston Rd., Nottingham NG7 3FX, England. Tel: 00 44 (0)115 9780439; Fax: 00 44 (0)115 9785567 Emails: info@martialartsvohra.com